Sunday, March 28, 2010
Bees and Blind Girls

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Old man Trouble

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Dracula is a Total Badass

I was reading Bram Stoker's "Dracula" again today and just discovered that Dracula has a band of gypsies that work for him. I think he just became 20% more badass. Not that he wasn't to begin with. This probably makes him at least 420% more badass than any other vampire. Just picture it - The Devil's Son's Army of Darkness aprocheth and the sky doth blacken with its dread foot steps. And at the front line you've got... Nature loving, Colourfuly Clad, Children of Bohemia Hard-Core Vegan Gypsies. The only way that could possibly be more retardedly awesome was if Oscar Wilde was Dracula's General.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Apocalypse in Sight.

To The Tune of "Afternoon Delight" - by Joel the Rather Grand
"If you don't think this is the greatest knock off ever, I will fight you, that's no lie."
Gonna seal my bunker, gonna hole in tight
Gonna try and stave off death tonight.
My motto's always been; shoot the head too right.
That’s how you kill a zombie, and avoid its bite.
When the whole world is screaming in its pain.
And the blood of innocents falls down like rain.
Horrors stealing souls, chanting evil rites
crying for your mother in the blackest night
Fleeing ruined cities as the flames ignite
And the howls of the monstrosities is very frightening.
Four horsemen ride tonight. Apocalypse in sight. Apocalypse in sight. Apocalypse in sight.
Skulking in the alleyways for food I fight
I never thought that sanity could go out like a light
But now the reaper’s calling and I think I might surrender
to the apocalypse in sight.
Four horsemen ride tonight. Apocalypse in sight. Apocalypse in sight. Apocalypse in sight.
I’m digging my own grave in the cold hard ground
And I know that I’ll be gone 'for the sun goes down.
Horrors stealing souls, chanting evil rites
crying for your mother in the blackest night
Fleeing ruined cities as the flames ignite
And the howls of the monstrosities is very frightening.
Four horsemen ride tonight. Apocalypse in sight. Apocalypse in sight. Apocalypse in sight.
Poem for the Noir Detective.

“...I'll tell you what keeps me going... sniff, sniff...the chase, the thrill of the hunt and the sudden shafts of bright light...”
- Detective Inspector Black.
glowing ends of cigarettes
crushed under shoes
strange silhouettes
and big city blues
nocturnal creatures
crawl through the night
their shadowy features
hidden from sight
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Little Things.
Queen Mabb and Me.
I wrote this a few nights ago and the people I sent it to didn't seem to hate it, so I'm putting it on my blog. If you don't know who Queen Mab is navigate away from this rubbish to Wikipedia and wiki her immediately.
The Lady is approaches now. Clad in purple, she comes with a pocket full of monsters, monsters for me to fight and be tormented by. I love her and I hate her. I want her dead and yet without her my waking world would become unbearable. What should I do then? Should I endure the night to feel the warmth of day? Or should truly become what I knew I eventually would be, walking always through grey lands? Feeling neither good nor bad until I die?