I was reading Bram Stoker's "Dracula" again today and just discovered that Dracula has a band of gypsies that work for him. I think he just became 20% more badass. Not that he wasn't to begin with. This probably makes him at least 420% more badass than any other vampire. Just picture it - The Devil's Son's Army of Darkness aprocheth and the sky doth blacken with its dread foot steps. And at the front line you've got... Nature loving, Colourfuly Clad, Children of Bohemia Hard-Core Vegan Gypsies. The only way that could possibly be more retardedly awesome was if Oscar Wilde was Dracula's General.
Does anyone else not grasp the absolute over-kill unadulterated awesome of this?
One of the major inspirations for Dracula was a lesbian vampire.
ReplyDeleteNature loving, Colourfully Clad, Children of Bohemia Hard-Core Vegan Gypsies are most definitely hard core.
Clearly Dracula is the greatest of all vampires. I did gasp, quite heartily I must add.