I was attacked by a porpoise today. Not a real one, it was in my head. Or was I? I don't really remember, as I was concentrating on putting on my socks at the time. Which I didn't do by the way, as I wore my Ugg boots instead, (I don't wear socks with my Ugg boots). But more importantly, is the issue of a little tiny animal crawling around my intestine. And a somewhat larger animal licking my face and sitting on my lap purring or perhaps saying things like, "What ho! jolly good show old fellow." and hitting their ball straight through the croquet hoop with their corresponding croquet mallet.. And smoking an old fashioned pipe... I could really go for some tomato right now. Not to eat. Just to look at a bit. They are so round and shiny. So lookable. Not that I don't eat tomatoes. Very tasty vegetable... fruit? The point I'm making here is that if you look at a tomato too long you run the risk of being assaulted by an imaginary porpoise.
I wrote all that with out thinking very much because I'm bored and felt like writing something.
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