Well, I haven't painted anything for nearly seven days now. My fingers are starting to twitch, and my brain has started its 'caption building' with no outlet. Currently my latest idea is a chimp looking sad, the caption being,
"Don't swing your arms like an ape!
Real men stab each other."
Anyway, we'll see how it pans out. I do a lot of caption paintings and I really love them. And that idea has the right balance of uncomplicated image and amusing tagline.
The second thing on my mind just now is that my list of "the number of people in the world who I'm positive would genuinely care if I ate a shotgun shell" has just gone up by one. And if you are reading this person, your degenerate friend thanks you. :p
The third thing is private, but concerns the previous post. And if you know me well enough to listen to the bizarre reasoning behind some of my paranoid behavior, you'll know I don't like people, even people I really like and care about, knowing certain things. If you have the brainpower higher than that of a cuttlefish you can probably guess what it entails, but in-case you don't get it, let us simply say that my heart may be black and shriveled, but it exists.
As always, dogging my footsteps are my eternal companions The Black Dog and his friend The Yellow Monkey. Also ever present is the irritating little trouble of there being the above recommended level of voices in my head (the recommended being one, or perhaps zero if you are a freshie), though I am still dictator of the mind of Joel, we haven't become a democracy or, a God-let-me-die-first anarchist nation. However I've dealt with that for long enough to not be particularly worried.
In a separate but related issue, my strange visions of inescapable horror continue with monotonous regularity. I've yet to discover anyone who has a similar problem, but I haven't been trying very hard to find such a person yet.
Well that isn't entirely true. I have discovered people from history who have had such a problem, namely Joan of Arc, Nostradamus, Elijah ect. But the idea that I'm some kind of prophet predicting such the future has both occurred to me, and been dismissed by me for being too annoying an answer. Also it would be dumb an egotistical for me to think that.
There's another thing. People think I have a big ego. I don't. I really don't. They think I'm egotistical for the same reason that they think I'm a pessimist. I'm not. I'm a realist. My intelligence quotient is one hundred and forty, so if you are just a random from the internet, statistically speaking, I am probably smarter than you. I'm sorry if you are offended, but thats just the way the world works. Okay, yes, sometimes I flaunt my abilities at people, but thats just because I'm immature and I'm working on it. I have grown some humility, I promise.
The truth is I hate myself. And I think that is better than being obsessed with myself anyway. Not ideal, no, but its just too hard to get the proper balance.
I should probably finish on a positive note, so I'll just say that I am on my break and I am enjoying the free time and already have some activities planned with the people who find my company tolerable.
So cheerio for now, and just a small piece of advice,
If you are happy and you like it, keep doing what you are doing, and if you aren't and you want to be, change something.