The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Friday, November 5, 2010

Recreational Thinking Tips.

To begin thinking all you require is some kind of medium for your brain to think through. For example, words or images. These are the starting tools that one uses. But as one Diggs deeper and deeper and gets through the original crust of thought and traditional ideas and questions are considered, one encounters what we would call 'paradoxes' and better tools are required.


This statement is false.

The above statement is a fine example, though not a particularly invasive paradox.
Explained: If the sentence is true, it is false because that is what it says. But then, because it is false, it is then true and the pattern repeats. Thus the sentence is what we would call paradoxical.

Some people when encountering a paradox for the first time may feel confused, unhappy or even ill. This is due to to 'Cognitive Dissonance' a feeling had, that is unpleasant, when two contradictory facts are held simultaneously.

This can be enough to turn some off thinking as a hobby (Adversely, this can be the catalyst that encourages others to think even more) . This unpleasant sensation can however be easily removed with a the help of one or two things.

1) Creative thought handling. Unfortunately unteachable, this method involves taking detours and thinking in curves rather than straight lines. It is difficult to explain, but involves instead of bending the subject around your thoughts, bending your thoughts around the subject.

2) Desensitize one's self to cognitive dissonance. After continued exposure to this unpleasant sensation you will eventually no longer feel bad and it shall simply be normal to you.

There are further deeper layers far below simple paradoxes and personal tools will be required to be created to deal with such things, however the results are rewarding. Naturally thoughts do change attitudes and feelings. Maintain your emotional anchors or you may be swept into unpleasant personality changes.

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