Not the most original recipe in the world, but it is tasty.
1 tomato
2 eggs
2 rashers of bacon
A tiny bit of olive oil for the pan
milk, tea bag, honey/sugar, (depends on how you like your tea)
Put your favorite frying pan on the stove top, with a little bit of oil for flavor and lubricant.
While waiting for the pan to heat up, cut the rind off the bacon and give it to the dog, the chop up the bacon so the round bit has no fat on it, put the nice round bit to the side for a bit. Then chop the little fatty bits and stuff into squares of 'bacon bits'. Do not give these to the dog.
Okay so the pan should be hot enough now (To tell, hold your hand just above the oil), chuck the bacon bits in.
While that starts to cook, cut the tomato in half through the middle. It doesn't really matter how you do this as long as it is in half.
Mix the bacon bits up so they get evenly cooked. Then, push them to the side of the pan, and pop your tomato in, cut side down.
(you should put the kettle on now for your tea)
Put in the round bits of the bacon, and crack your eggs into the pan. If they aren't cooking fast enough, flip them over.
Get a nice big plate out ready for your breakfast.
Make your tea now to taste. I like mine with milk and some honey.
With your spatula, push the contents of the pan onto the plate.
Take it all to the table, put your iPod on shuffle, and eat with your favorite condiments, my favorites are Worcestershire or HP sauce.
Om nom nom nom nom.
wow. Its the breakfast my mum cooks. O.O