Life in a shell of waxy memory,
Pull your hand across the surface,
Away comes a layer of passed moments,
Dry and flaky, falling from your hand.
Lilliputian people stare up at me,
As I stride across the sky.
I am not your shining one,
I am not your 'Emerald Wizard'.
Pompous people in expensive clothes,
Recoil at my presence in the street.
I am not your circus freak,
I am not the virus on your perfect world.
Rivals of nature filled with fire,
Spit at me in passing.
I want none of your prize,
I am not your enemy.
My friends dance in their circles,
Complex individuals each one.
I am not the ally you think I am,
I am no more honest than a cobra.
Fellow conjurers make their performances,
We challenge each other in our cleverness.
I am not unaware of your ploys,
I am enjoying your trickery, as you enjoy mine.
Sample these flavors of life,
Taste each one.
And tell your makers,
What wrong they have done,
In the name of God.
The realm of God
Cannot be pierced
By one talent alone.
The curtain requires more than one pair of hands to lift it.
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