The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hello Night.

I am made of dirt.
I am made of God.
I am made of questions.

"The purpose of humans" is something that humans always want to know.

One school of thought is that such an answer is obtainable but not yet present. That one day we will know our ultimate purpose.
(examples: Scientology, Neo paganism, New Age)

Or that the purpose of humans is something very mundane, to love, to exist, to serve God, to care for the earth, to make scientific discoveries etc.
(examples: Mainstream Christianity, Buddhism, Humanism)

Another thought often had is that humans look for an answer where there is none. That existence is inherently random and to look for answer where no real question exists is a flawed human trait.
(examples: Nihilism, Certain types of Absurdism, Atheist Satanism)

I might be called a Christian Nihilist, or perhaps a Christian Absurdist.

Because you see, I believe that humans have a soul (that is, an existence in God's ultimate reality upon which this reality is super-imposed, but that's COMPLICATED). I believe God exists, that he loves his creation, and that there is a purpose to us.


I believe that humans are vile disgusting things, ignorant and evil out of choice and filled will their own self importance. The idea that humans will ever be able to discover enough about this multi layered, many faceted thing that we call the universe with our own mere five senses to completely understand anything at all, let alone anything of significance, about the true nature of the place that exists outside of this comparably limited shell of life is laughable.

All of this makes me feel warm and fuzzy. It brings a smile to my mouth, a tear to my eye, and a bright light to my young, but nonetheless jaded and cynical heart.

And I'll tell you why.

It means that this horrible world, with horrible people and horrible ideas really isn't all there is to the majestic wonder of God's creation. There are better things.

That is why I am a happy, cynical, Christian, Nihilist. Goodnight.

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