The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Ba humbug.

Yes, its nearly that time of year again. Garish flashing seizure lights, unwanted family reunions, unvoiced complaints that wrong presents were got, a distinct lack of invitations to parties, summed up in two horrible horrible words:

Holiday Cheer.

Yuk. I hate Christmas. As a Christian, it is supposed to be a time when I celebrate the birth of Christ. I appreciate that, I really do. But let's be honest here, that isn't what our winter festival (summer in the southern hemisphere) is about, is it? Its about spending money and eating until you explode. The romans did it before they believed in Jesus, with all sorts of pagan mumbo jumbo.

In fact, it said in the bible to discard the old feasts and celebrations when you convert from Paganism to Christianity. But 2000 years later, they are clinging on.

I don't know. I just don't like it very much. In the past it hasn't been a happy time for me. And let's be honest, Santa Claus is bloody ridiculous.

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