The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Rant.

Joel, Joel, Joel, Joel. You handsome man, whatever will I do with you? I think I'll just have to marry myself, settle down, have a few Miniature Mes and sit back on a rocking chair and drink iced sherbet while watching sunsets.

I'll tell you a few things I love.

I love Terry Pratchett. He is awesome. He is funny, full of insight and very quotable.

I also love Neil Gaiman and H.P Lovecraft. Neil because he is along a similar vein to Terry Pratchett, while not being quite as good, and he's is just so damn cool.

Lovecraft just speaks to me. Its like we just randomly met, hit it off, and now we're going to dance the night away in Rio. Or failing that, some kind of sunken ancient city filled with echoes of dark sacrifice and dripping with mysteries better left untouched by man. Either.

Anyway. Apart from authors, I really love girls. They're just so damn pretty. Apart from David, I mostly like hanging out with the girlie kind. Its like intelligent conversation + smexyness. And yes, I do think these thoughts female friends, I'm sorry. Your company is like eating ice cream while reading Charles Dickens. Goddamn amazing.

Oh. I also love Charles Dickens. He goes on a bit, yes, but his stories just fill your brain.

Ice cream too. I'm a skinny bastard, but its not through my own efforts.

My swiss army knife! I love that thing. So damn useful. Driving loose screws, pinning up paintings, cutting cardboard for painting, the odd spot of shaving, clipping fingernails, getting stuck things out of nooks, electrical tape sniping, and just over all saving the day Joel type things.

And I mentioned painting didn't I?

Ye Gods. I don't think I've ever made a post just about painting, but then I've never made a painting about blogging. Well, I love it. If I knew where my art book or my brushes where I'd be doing it right now.

Painting... its like... kind of like blogging actually. Only way more sensuous. Its like, you are king, and the cardboard is everything else. Well that metaphor was kinda lame but, I love painting.

MY DOC's! Nearly forgot them. Greatest boots. Definitely the best shoes I've ever had. they have got my feet safely home where many a shoe would have given up. Also a nifty side effect, they make me that little bit taller. Sometimes I wear them when I sleep.

Well those are just a few of the things, not people, just things, that I love. I also love quite a few people. Authors don't count as people. They should, but they just don't for some inadequate reason.

If you are reading this, I probably love you. Because you are reading my blog. And that means a lot to me. Thank you.

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