The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Friday, May 25, 2012


You often see Che Guevara's face on things.

Whatever else he was, Che was a rare man. As an author, renowned intellectual, physician, charismatic public speaker, consummate strategist and diplomat, he was certainly very skilled. But rarer than this was that he was truly a man who believed in things with an incredible passion.

I am a supporter of democracy. And as Che Guevara was a, more the, communist and Marxist, I don't believe he was right. I think communism is a poor system of government, too easily manipulated by strong leaders, as was the case in Che's Cuba.

But to say that he was a terrorist? No. I don't think that's true. He believed in his kind of freedom. Not my kind. To say that he was evil because of that is unfair.

That his face has become one of the most reproduced image in the western world would undoubtably break his heart. But that is what it has become.

He was executed at age thirty nine. His last words were as defiant as his whole life.

'Shoot coward. You are only going to kill a man.'

As human as they come, but as powerful as the human spirit is, it is broken with the human flesh.

I like Che, like many before me, not for what he believed in, but for the tenacious will that he believed in it with.

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