The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tear Me Apart.

"They claim their labours are to build a heaven, yet their heaven is populated with horrors. Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman."

I'll tell you something I don't know.

What is the difference between potentially anything,
And definitely nothing? 
Which would you rather have? 

Why does the snake eat itself? 
Because it did? 
Because it will? 
And, how?

Why don't I want anything?

Imagine a lie so untruthful it has to be believed.
The lie of existence in its entirety. 

Why don't I care for this world?
Why doesn't it matter to me if we burn our mother?
Why don't I care for your rape?
Why doesn't it matter to me if our spark keeps burning?
Why don't I care if it goes out?
Why doesn't it matter to me if this rock still spins?
Why don't I care if it stops?
None of this means anything to me. 
But why?

They don't.
All these jumbled thoughts tear me apart.
They do.

Why do I care if these people forget me? 
Why do I need you, the strange boy I never knew? 
Why do I care what you think?
Why do I need you, the girl who was as distant as anyone? 
Why do I care if you to love me?
Why do I need you, you who I discarded so lightly? 
Why do I wish you thought of me? 
You mean so much to me.
But why?

Imagine a truth so real it is impossible to believe. 
The truth of nothingness. 

Why do I want any of you? 

What is my life?
Why did I start? 
Why will I end?
And, how?

Am I anything? 
Am I nothing?
Which would I rather be? 

I just don't know. 

"God, help me. 
Deliver me to paradise.

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