The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Am Your Equal, Am I Not?

I feel insulted when people claim that my gender is no longer needed.

Personally I would like to see the first child made of only female pieces. Bet you any money it's dumber than me. Also that it's likely deformed.

But seriously. Women are incredibly sexist to and about men. I frequently hear that, "All men want is sex" and "Well never mind, all boys are stupid" or perhaps, "the only thing they are good for is lifting heavy things and not reading instructions."

Imagine if I translated such thoughts to a male perspective and about women. If I said such sexist and disparaging things I think I would quickly find myself without many friends.

All boys want is not sex and food. Such thinking is a blatant lie. And just because you and your friends think it so does not mean it is. You don't know what we think, you certainly don't know what I think. If half of you can think thoughts of my calibre I would be greatly surprised. And I'm not just talking about girls and women, I'm talking about men and boys who are unwilling to voice and portray their thoughts for fear of being thought feminine. Real men, it seems, cannot think of anything beyond practical and present thoughts lest they be considered a "wimp". For thinking? For exploring emotions instead if burying them?

Fuck you both. I'm male. Little girls, I am not ruled by my dick. And little boys, I am not so afraid of what my peers will think of me to avoid feeling sad.

Seriously. Fuck you and your sexist comments.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand chicks who think that about guys. I would go insane if all men were to die out. Not just because I'm straight and would miss having sex with men, but because women are so fucking bitchy. I can't stand being around chicks half the time :P
