The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Finest Of Her Kind.

Known to me for many years,

And noticed for not enough of them,

You are empathic to my fears,

And my sins you do not condemn.

Humble in her beauty,

Possessed of intellect without arrogance,

Her place may not be here,

But she shall find it, in time.

That one so fair should grow,

Like a rose of kindness among weeds,

My amazement does not show,

In my soul she has planted seeds.

She deserves so much more than what she has been given,

She can heal a broken thought by her presence alone,

So many broken thoughts I have,

Being with her is a joy to one such as I.

She shall stand against the terror of the world,

Intact, whole where others of so called strength,

Have burned, shriveled, blackened and curled,

The distance of such fortitude is great in length.

She is one, who I am unworthy to call friend,

She has all the grace of an angel called to earth,

If any could be by my side while I was in pain it would be her,

I do not lie when I say, she is worth twenty of her kind.

"Possessed of all the virtues of man without his vices"

- Lord Byron.

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