The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


God requires that we do not blaspheme, that is, disrespect Him because it is wrong to disrespect something that deserves respect. In a human, I would call that egotistical. However, God truly is all powerful, all knowing and all good.

God requires that we use our gifts that he has given us. There is one parable where a Master gives each of his servants some money to use while he is gone. He returns to find one servant has invested his money in a bank and earned more money for his master, one has made some clever business decisions and earned even more. The third servant in his fear of failure has done nothing with what his master has given him, and is:

".. thrown out into the darkness, where there is fire and burning and gnashing of teeth"

I personally am indifferent to being punished. I would however like to do the right thing. The meaning of all this is of course that you must use the talents and gifts you have been given by God, and it is blasphemous not to.

God has given me the ability to think, to question reality and ponder the universe. If I do not challenge authority, wonder about the nature of being and so on, I am not utilizing my abilities to their full.

So here's the thing.

If by doing my pondering I come across the idea that God is not perfect in some small way, thus making Him a liar, or that God simply does not exist at all, I am thinking a blasphemous thought.

However, If I do not eventually stray across this possibility with the, if I do say so myself, not inconsiderable abilities at my disposal, because I am afraid of being blasphemous this is also blasphemous as I am not using my skills to their full deliberately.

So, it is either impossible for me to commit blasphemy or it is impossible for me not to commit blasphemy. Catch 22.

So really, I can either

a) Come to another conclusion
b) Think what I like
c) Do not think the "wrong" thoughts

Obviously I have already thought these thoughts, or I wouldn't be able to talk about them.

But what I'm really curious about is whether because of this, all creativity is in fact, sin. God doesn't have creativity. He knows everything there is to know, He doesn't come up with things, they are already there to Him. Creativity is for lesser creatures such as we.

Truth is uncreative, lies require creativity.



  1. God has no creativity? Who created everything? Have you pondered the humor of the Duckbill, the beauty of a sunset, the marvels of butterfly wings or the magnificent world of twilight sea creatures with their luminosity? God IS the Creator and thus creative and He made us to be like Him and be creative as well.

    No one can be perfect, so to think blasphemous thoughts (pardon my American spelling, mate) are avoidable is to overthink it. We know how to find a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Or, we can philosophize about God but not actually KNOW Him by refusing to accept the free gift of redemption through the blood of Christ.

    Many of the brightest guys I know are Aussie or Kiwi scientists who have become Christians and remained both creative and imperfect - Jonathan Sarfati, Gary Bates, and Tas Walker to mention three. and Answers in Genesis both began, I believe, in Australia. Ken Ham, there you go, yet another one!

    Come by sometime and say hello?

  2. I like the way you think. I could follow most of the logic of what you were saying. Before I saw the first comment, I was going to say that God gives us all of the creativity that we possess, though we can pervert the inspiration.

    I don't think it's wrong to question his reasons and purposes. I've often questioned his perfection from time to time. Then, I think of how limited my understanding is. Instead of doubting, I pray for clarification.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
