The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Really, I Should Be Thankful, But I Just Can't Find It In Me...

I can speak to someone, tell them the absolute truth of my feelings and know that they will not understand what I am saying. But in what way is that different from lying or saying nothing?

It isn't even the half truth. I'm telling the whole truth. Its just that no one understands me. Not one single person understands it. Sometimes I feel like I'm speaking another language.

I can't decide if it is imprisoning to freeing.

Oh but the very concept of that is stupid. Anything can feel imprisoning, anything can feel freeing. Even now, as I write this, I'm struggling to stay apathetic as my mind tries to turn all these sensations positive or negative. Its just dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.

But humans are wired for dumb. We try to unravel the secrets of the universe with a language that was originally developed so we could tell each other where the fresh fruit is. All our behavior has a root in survival or some kind, even if that behavior is now vestigial and useless in modern society. Men like large breasts because in the past it would mean that that mate would be able to feed his children effectively. The relevance of that nowadays is almost nil, due to advances in technology in terms of childcare and medicine. Yet to tell a man this will have no effect on his impulses.

Fat people gorge themselves on food because their impulses tell them to make fat stores for a famine that will never, ever arrive. They then die young because the fat deposits build up and clog their organs function.

Rich people horde and horde wealth that they will not be able to spend in a life time, while people around them starve and freeze to death. All because of deep set, unconquerable impulses.

The human brain is ill adapted for thought. No one who reads this will understand what I really mean by it. And it isn't freeing or imprisoning.
It just is.

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