The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Are You A Cyborg?

Some people argue that when a person equips themselves with an artificial limb, they lose a portion of their humanity. Others say that this isn't the case, that one remains human, except with an artificial limb.

But think on this for a moment,

If you were to equip a person with a prosthetic finger, not as a replacement, but as an addition to the ten fingers they already have, it could aid them in doing things they already can, like wearing an extra ring or carrying an an extra bag, and also perform entirely new functions, such as particular fret work on a guitar (provided the technology in the finger wasn't the limiting factor), or if the finger was small, reaching into tiny crevices or incredibly delicate surgery.

Having said that, if a person were to carry around an object in their pocket that allowed them to access information they previously couldn't and perform mental tasks that they would otherwise have to perform themselves (an iPhone) is this not too a prosthesis, albeit for one's brain?

Does using my iPhone make me less human? Possibly. But I don't see why it is a bad thing. Our technology is an extension of ourselves. As it improves in function and reliability, it is natural that it will integrate with our bodies more.

What if you were to make a computer efficient, small, powerful, reliable, and run it off the electrical and heat energies in your own body, and mount it in your arm, or even directly to your brain?

We will evolve, with or without the help of God. And it will be wonderful.

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