The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Friday, March 16, 2012

In Defense Of Hate

Many people that I meet tell me that I shouldn't use the word hate. Because it's an "ugly word" or because it is "not nice".

Hate, in my opinion, is a type of love. And love is kind of like worship, or prayer. When you love, you feel a powerful emotion of a positive nature. Your thoughts and actions are devoted to the object of your love. As with love, when you hate, your thoughts and actions are devoted to the object of your hate. It's really quite similar.

When I hate, I have the same strength of emotion that I have when I love. It feels the same. It feels good, to not flounder and act with confusion, but to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, of this one, true thing. But unlike when you feel love, which makes you foolish and unenthusiastic, hate makes you sharper, and keener.

If nothing else, it is important to remember that it is only an emotion. It only affects the he or she who is feeling it directly.

No. Hate isn't 'nice'. But often enough, neither is the environment that causes us to feel emotion. Oftentimes, even for people in privileged situations, the world can be a hard place to live. It's strange. It's nonsensical. It's unpredictable. It's uncertain. And when one is run down, tired, hurt, worn, battered, bruised and generally at the end of the rope, it is hard to feel love. It isn't hard to hate. Can you blame someone for wanting some emotional solidarity?

You can love the wrong things and people. And you can love the right things. You can hate the wrong things. And you can hate the right things.

Is it right to hate a rapist? Yes.
Is it right to hate someone because they are attracted to someone of the same gender? No.
Is it right to love a Mass murderer? No.
Is it right to love your mother? Yes.

Trust me, there is plenty in this world that is deserving of hate. Plenty of stupidity, violence, fear and ignorance bundled up and given power that deserves hate from everyone everywhere.

To deny hate, is to deny the rights of an individual. We are free to feel. You cannot ban an emotion.

I will continue to hate. I will look at the ugliness in human nature, the strikers of children, the concealed truths, the binders and the swindlers and I will feel hate. And you can't stop me.

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