The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Best and The Worst

Sometimes it seems like all anyone does is tell everyone else how shit everyone is. If I said to someone on the street, "Are people generally good?" I think that the answer would most of the time be, "No". And I'll tell you why.

A man called James Cameron (relatively) recently made a science fiction film about a future where humanity has successfully reached another planet that the humans named 'Pandora'. This planet was a vigin to the defilement and molestation of man, and the humanoid natives (Tall, blue, feline and very good looking people) have an actual nervous-connection to their homeworld that no human has, in the form of a usb plug that comes out of the back of their necks and goes into trees, or some shit. The human tech was ugly and clunky, the natives' natural skills were both more complex and more functional.

The movie was called, "Avatar".

The whole thing was incredibly beautiful and expensive. No argument.

But what the average viewer probably doesn't realize about that movie is that it is horribly, horribly cynical. The tree-hugging-usb-necked-smurfs didn't make that movie. Humans did. Humans making a movie about how humans are planetary rapists, that spread themselves like disease.

Sure, you could say that the movie was a possible future, one we could avoid, but the movie sure didn't say that. It was just "Hate yourself" from beginning to end. Hate yourself, you ignorant, evil, stupid, arrogant mother-raping BASTARDS. Yes, YOU!

That was honestly the theme.

Why would humans fund and make a movie like this? Because that's what we think of ourselves.

I don't think that.

Do you know what a human is?

Let me ask you something else then.

Do you know what a human life is? How unlikely it is? What it has the potential of? How complex it is, how wonderful it is? How hard it is for everyone, everyday, to get up and just keep on going in spite of how damn hard it is? How there are huge parts of our brains devoted to not ending itself because it is so easy to do? And how amazing it is that those who live do anything at all worthwhile in addition to all this hardship?

The Superman is good, bold, beautiful, selfless, and everything for him is easy. He's just like that.

But the man. No, he is weak. He struggles. He bites into what he's given, even when it's poison.

Humans aren't wise. All the wise humans are long dead.

The weak didn't die. The wise died. Because the wise knew the futility.

The ones who were left were just stubborn. The creative, the resourceful, the hopeful, the dreamers of dreams and the ones who held onto life with broken fingernails. Yes, The Bastards. That's who you are descended from. Hard bastards. Mothers who had another child after ten of them died, fathers who fought lions bear-handed and won. Children who grew up in strangling thorns, brothers who held each other as they bled, sisters who struggled through tide after tide of impossible odds, just so they could do it again tomorrow.

You aren't shit. You aren't a rapist. You're ignorant, sure, but that's hardly your fault. You're not evil. And if you are arrogant, so what? You deserve to be. You're fucking amazing. Look at what your kind has done, look how you have tamed an earth that has tried at every turn to crush you, and still tries as hard as it can to end your life.

You are the product of a world that hated the idea of you, and from that hate you found love for it enough to care that you were hurting it, love enough to side with it, to loathe yourself.

You're incredible. I salute you. And I have no clue as to how you do what you do.

But for God's sake, keep it up. I know you can.

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