The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Honor and Importance.

I've been told that in Japan, it's common for a person, if they feel they have lost their honor, to simply drop off the radar of society. This could be that they got a C instead of an A in a class at school (or however they grade folks over there) or because they got pissed at their boss and were fired, or a multitude of other reasons.

I don't know where they go. Become homeless? Go to Prague? Turn into a fish and swim into outer-space?

But all jest aside, the degree to which people put ideals is something I admire.

I don't admire the pitfalls of duty to wrong causes and judgement on others those people fall into, but for all that, a person with a complete sense of what is right, good and the courage to stick to it, inspires me. Not all honor is like that. But the really good people of this earth possess that quality.

I'm not honorable. Not everyone can be. But then not everybody is special or important to the world. I'm content with my lot. The idea that everything and everyone would be fine if I left this earth suddenly, comforts me. I don't have the burden special people must do.

I'm no one, and I'm fine with it.

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