The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Joel's Haikus

Haikus can be fun
But also damn annoying
Mine are cool, screw you

Zooben is a word
Get used to the way I make
Up words that sound cool.

"You're a gay faggot!"
F*** you freshie, I hate you
I hope you die badly

My wallet has money
Yours does not, you are very poor
Ha ha ha ha ha.

Five syllables then
Seven syllables next and
Then five again, End.

God loves me, sinner.
He loves you too you moron,
You need Jesus, duh!

Some hiakus = no sense,
Like this one here, it is odd,
Gibberish nonsense.

I hate you, yes you,
You are a serious d**k
So much hate of you.

I'm a bad person
But don't tell anyone, shh.
They don't know that, lol


  1. joel your haikus are
    absolutely amazing
    i like the sixth one. :)

  2. Nice! way to show me up lol. glad you liked them. :D
