The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why Can't I Just Have A Nice Normal Day?

I'm going to complain now, so if you're Jason or someone who doesn't like it when I complain, which is perfectly warranted, don't read this one. I'm going to do some poetry tonight anyway so you can read that when its done.

I didn't have a good day today. I've concluded that I will never, ever be an explorer. I just can'y cope with doing things, and dealing with my brain problems. I'm pretty sure that I was pissing off Liam no end and he was just too nice to say.

I was just carrying along as one does, walking and talking with my friend, and my brain was exploding into multicoloured lightening shapes. I kept on thinking there was an octopus I needed to catch, then I started to get really agitated that people could see that I was tripping out for no obvious reason. Then the agitation turned into a fully fledged panic attack. I kept on trying to apologize for my behavior in completely the wrong way, because I just kept on describing what was happening and, I'm sure, was being extremely annoying.

So eventually I got on the bus to tuggeranong from civic. I've been to Sydney on a coach pretty often, but never have I been on such a long awful bus ride. It was all I could do not to scream at everyone that I hated them, and I don't even know why I felt that impulse. It was like being bounced around a pinball machine. I just held on tightly to my wallet and looked at a fly that was crawling up my sleeve to try to think about anything else other than the crazy fun fireworks that were exploding in my head. Even now, I still am feeling the after affects of it. It was like my mind was being pushed through a meat grinder, sewn back together very inexpertly, and pushed through the meat grinder again every five seconds. strange voices were calling out my name and weird clockwork ballerina music was not quite drowned out by David Bowie (hunky dory) on my iPod at full volume. Its days like this that make me want to go to a clean nice hospital and get some electroshock therapy.

So that's the end of my rant, I'm sorry if you read that, please continue to read my blog, it will have some better things on it soon. I just needed to get that off my chest and out of my head, and now I feel considerably better. Alrighty, cheerioh for now.

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