The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Do You Even Call That?

Just then, I had a hallucination, or a dream or a vision.

I saw a world, where every person I have ever know was walking and talking and being happy. my friends were laughing together, my sister was joyfully doing her hair, my mother was sitting down, highly relaxed in her dressing gown, with a cup of tea. My father was polishing his shoes, in that dreadful jumper he wears, with not a trace of unhappiness on his face. All the people I have ever known or touched in any way were so very, very happy. No worry or concern or guilt or conflict dogged their features. And there was only one difference between that world and the blighted one that we inhabit.

I wasn't there.

It was beautiful, it was wonderful. I had quite simply, failed to exist. And everyone I love was so very happy.

I want to apologize to the entire universe. Deep down from the bottom of my heart, I am so, so so, sorry. I cried for all the pain I've caused, and I cried that even if I stopped existing now by my own will, it would only cause more pain to this already stained world.

I know of course that this is all fantasy.

1 comment:

  1. I hate this post with every fibre of my being, and I hate you for making it.
    Not for existing, but for degrading your value.
