The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I often pray. That is to say, I speak to God either out loud or more often in my thoughts.

Sometimes praying is just, "hoping out loud". Because we are human, we hope. And if you believe in God, you hope in Him.

But I suppose you might wonder if I believe in the power of prayer to alter our physical world. Well, the answer is yes and no.

A fervent, believing, honest prayer from many people will not always be answered. If all the world, all it's people that is, were joined in prayer to God requesting that He shrivel up and die, He wouldn't.

It is through no power of people that prayers are answered. Your prayer will not be answered more if you are a better person of if you have more trust in God. God will answer the prayers he chooses to.

I feel, personally, that it would be the hight of arrogance and selfishness to expect God to answer my prayers, when I am so fortunate in so many ways. None the less, He has on occasion done so.

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