The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Teenage Mutant, Not Turtle, Not A Ninja

Mutation occurs when a line of code in a being's DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid) is either missing, is written twice or in some way is faulty. A cow with an extra leg hanging off its neck is a typical example of doubling up of code. A cow born with three is an example of a missing piece of code, though obviously it is more complex than this, and there may be multiple reasons for mutation.

However due to the extremely large number of humans and the huge variety of genetic mixtures there have begun to sprout more and more mutations within our species. Many humans posses small and benign abnormalities. I myself have what is commonly known as a "sunken chest". It is relatively harmless to me and is mostly cosmetic.

Occasionally it is said that mutation is a large factor in our evolution. I disagree with this, mostly because information is only ever lost when animals mutate. Rather evolution is a slower, less easy to understand process.

"We are all mutants. What remarkable is how many of us appear to be normal."

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