The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Illusion of Time, Timekeeping devices and The Change of Times

Another year. Another blog post.

What? Alright, I know it's corny but I had to say it. I just had to.

A year, isn't really 365 days. It is 365 and one quarter days. that's why every four years we shove an extra day on February, so that the seasons don't get mucked up. But really, the years of our lives that we have are an illusion. The 'year' is based on one rotation of the Earth around the Sun. and the day around one rotation of the Earth on its axis. But in a day and age when we have electric lights, and watches rather than sunlight to tell the time, what is a year? A vestige of a bygone time, that's what. But it works, so we keep it.

My phone has the wrong time, but my watch is always correct. They say (and I'll tell you now that "they" aren't very popular in my books) that much of my generation doesn't wear watches as they only do one thing, that we expect our technological devices to do more than just tell the time. I first saw that little sliver of information in an internet video disparaging youth, saying we are lazy and useless, that we play too many video games, look at too much porn and all those other things.

I'll be honest with you, I carry both an iPod and a phone, so wearing my watch, I suppose, is a bit of an inefficient thing to do. Sometimes, I forget to charge my iPod, sometimes my phone runs out of credit (alright, often my phone runs out of credit) But everyday, without fail, my watch will still be ticking away. I have to get a new battery for my watch at about christmas time every year, but the point still stands.

Even a very good iPod is only supposed to last a few years, then you get a new one. But a good watch, and my watch is good, lasts decades.

If my friends choose not to wear a watch for whatever reason, it is nothing to me.
But I feel the reason that the folk of the older generation choose to dislike my friends choice in time pieces is because they tend to find their old fingers fumbling over this new and annoying thing. To see a mere child use it so expertly when they cannot master its most simplistic functions, such as telling the time, must infuriate them no end. So take out your frustration on someone else, we didn't do anything. We're just moving with the times, and in the end, history shows that The Times tend to move in only one direction.

For some reason, my blog is on American time. I'll repost this in 2011 when its done being annoying. Re: First posted January first AST.

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