The Flying Ship

The Flying Ship

Saturday, January 22, 2011


You know, one day, I will have the kind of day that all others envy. I don't think I've ever been envied in my whole life. I'm just a scrawny strange boy that will soon be a scrawny strange legal adult.

You may have heard this story. You may have even been there. But I'm going to tell it anyway.

I was once having a very bad day at school, when I was still going to trinity. I had been too depressed to eat that vile soggy cheese sandwich but I had a tasty looking brownie in my bag. I was about to get changed so that I could loose at sport. I was walking along with David, and as I raised my brownie to my mouth, I said, "one day Dave, everything will work out for me"

James took that moment to attempt to pass his football to David. It missed David, but neatly knocked my brownie out of my hand and into the dirt. I was less than happy. I recall that I screamed like maniac.

I ate it anyway. It tasted like dirt, grit, grass and faintly of chocolate.


  1. there was your birthday where you just made out with chelsea all day and I dressed up like a rapist in your stuff. And everyone else despite seeming uninterested I'm sure was jealous. of both of us.

  2. and i laughed so hard remembering this. lol
